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One of the most common questions we get asked is ‘how long does it actually take to build my new home’ and we also often hear people say ‘I want to build a house, where do I start?’.

In a perfect world, build schedules would run according to plan, without delays or push-backs. The sun would shine every day, and the rain would only come once the building is watertight. Unfortunately, though, this is only an ideal world. There are many different factors that can delay any build, waiting on suppliers and bad weather first spring to mind. It pays to have realistic expectations on the time frame of your build. We could only hope for a ‘building a house checklist that will help us in starting the construction of our dream abode.

Below are the 7 easy steps to follow when building your dream home with OJ Building.


Upon finalization of orders and the construction program, our project manager from OJ Building will issue a Commencement Letter. This advises you that our official site start date and the date for Practical completion based on the contractual construction days noted in the HIA Contract. It is at this point the site is cut and set out by the surveyor.

2/  Foundation STAGE – 2 WEEKS

The under slab drainage and pre-lay will need to be completed before the concrete slab can be formed up. Once the plumbing and pre-lay is in place, strip footing is then completed as per the engineer’s specifications and plans, then the slab is formed up and is now in order and ready to be poured. The concrete will now cure forming the foundation of your new home.

Foundation Claim: This progress claim equates to 20% of your new home’s contract value.


The frames and trusses are pre-fabricated and manufactured in the workshop before being delivered to site. The frames and trusses are erected, braced and tied down as per the engineering design. Our private certifier is engaged at this point to inspect and certify the frame according to the building code of Australia.

Frame Claim: The progress claim equates to 20% of your new home’s contract value.


It is also known as ‘’lockup’’, the fourth stage of construction includes fascia, gutter, roofing, windows, First fix and extenral cladding. This is a complex process that  involves coordination of many different trades to archieve  this milestone.

Enclosed Claim: This progress claim equates to 25% of your new home’s contract value.


This stage of construction involves the installation of plasterboard linings, cornice, skirting, architraves, doors and kitchens. The wet areas will be water-proofed as per the building code of Australia in preparation for the tiling. Internal doors are hung, cabinetry for the kitchen and vanity units are fixed and fitted into position and tiling to all wet areas is completed and quality checked.

Fixing claim: This progress claim equates to 20% of your new home’s contract value.


This is the final stage within the active construction period. Floor coverings, window treatment, Air Conditioning  fit outs, ceiling insulation, driveway, landscaping and fencing etc. This being the final instalment, Practical Completion is as it sounds, practically complete with only minor defects to be rectified.

Practical Completion Claim: This final progress claim equates to 10% of your new home’s contract value.


All items have now been completed and the Final Clean undertaken. A project manager from OJ building  will be in contact with a date and time for the handover of the keys and Handover Pack. This pack generally contains documentation relating to the construction of your property including certificates, instruction manuals, maintenance and warranties.

Congratulations, there is no better sense of achievement  than walking through a new Home! From the freshly laid turf to the smells of fresh carpet and paint you’ll be glad you made the decision to build with OJ Building.

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